About the prize

The Ayine Sports Prize is a biennial award aimed at awarding and recognizing
secondary school students in Uganda who demonstrate sporting prowess and
display a good spirit of sportsmanship. The award is open to students enrolled in
Senior One (Year 8), between and up to Senior Six (Year 13) who are resident in
Uganda. The winner is selected by an independent jury from the best submissions.

The winner will receive a monetary prize of UGX 300,000 and an Ayine sports kit.

Entry and deadline

Entries for the Ayine Sports Prize 2024 will close at 23:59 hours on 7th June 2024.
The nominated students will be accessed and the winner announced in August 2024

The Ayine Sports Prize 2024 jury.

The jury for The Ayine Sports Prize 2024 will comprise of selected volunteers with a credible sports background.

Selection criteria and guidelines for The Ayine Sports Prize 2024
School nomination information
1. Students will be assessed and nominated by their school by the specified closing date as identified above.
2. Schools are encouraged to conduct an internal awards process to determine their nominee.
3. Only one nomination will be accepted from each school.
4. Special nominations for students with disabilities or students who are isolated will also be considered.

The Award nominee must:
1. Be enrolled in Senior 1 (Year 8), between and up to Senior 6 ( Year 13) and not have received the award on a previous occasion.
2. Have participated excellently in the schools sports programs with a
consistently positive attitude; and

3. Demonstrate attributes consistent with the MISSION and VISION of Ayine sports art.
4. At some stage through Senior 1 to Senior 6, the selected student must have represented the school and participated in at least one sport in National level competitions.

Lierary / Artistic Work
Theme: How would you use sport to bring about social and community
Literary — Maximum of 250 words (typed).
Artistic — Maximum 60 x 42 cm (or equivalent in three dimensional context)

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