Karibu! Welcome to the Ayine sports art Blog.

Who am I and why am I blogging?

I am Ayine, a mononymous contemporary fine artist based in Kampala, Uganda. I am interested in establishing the importance of sports in East African society using original fine art paintings as my voice of expression. Read more about me here.

I started this blog to share my mission with the world, and also help foreign internationals explore my home East Africa.

Mission statement.

The goal of this blog is one, to be an integral part in fulfilling the MISSION and VISION of Ayine Sports Art, two, to highlight the contemporary fine Art in Africa and three, to help and guide tourists and foreign expatriates across the member states of the East African Community.

Target audience.

AYINE SPORTS ART BLOG targets foreign expatriates and tourists in East Africa, art collectors, art professionals, art enthusiasts, sports journalists and media, sports councils and federations, socio-economic and cultural organisations in East Africa and sports enthusiates

Three useful topics to look forward to in the AYINE SPORTS ART BLOG;
  1. The significance of my fine art – Establishing the importance of sports in East African society.
  2. Contemporary Fine art in Africa today.
  3. Visit East Africa – Resourceful information to guide tourists and foreign expatriates in the parameters of East Africa.
Rules of Engagement for AYINE SPORTS ART BLOG.

I invite you to join me in these dialogues as we explore the use of original fine art sports paintings to highlight the socio-economic and cultural development potential that sports have to offer to the African society of today.

To create the best possible forum for discussion, I have developed the following guidelines for posting comments.


I welcome your thoughts, comments, suggestions, and questions. I request you make sure the comments are of general interest to other readers. Profanity, racial and ethnic slurs, and rude behavior won’t be allowed and I will quickly remove any comments that are offensive, disrespectful or irrelevant.

I also discourage anonymous comments as they don’t facilitate conversation.

Blog Posts

I promise to keep posts interesting, helpful, and valuable. I care deeply about my fine art and how those sports artworks can transform a space. I commit to sharing my double-edged passion with sports on one edge and fine art on another in every article. Be aware, though, that the views expressed in these articles represent my individual perspectives.

Response Time

I sincerely want to engage in a conversation with you, but also ask that you be patient for a response. I am a full-time sports artist which means sometimes I might be painting new artworks, networking, making research e.tc and may take a few days to respond.

A Public Forum

Remember this blog is a public forum – don’t post anything confidential or private. And, lastly, this is not the place to submit specific customer service questions or technical support inquiries.

For specific customer issues, please complete a Contact Me request form with as much information as possible.

Thanks for joining the Ayine Sports Art blog!

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